住まい 暮らし

エアコンの温度設定 頑張らないで~ご高齢の親御さんへ愛をこめて

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに Boston がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♫二♪♫♩1Ⅱ

本日は2022年6月25日都内は明け方ですが26度で風がありますが 蒸し暑く寝苦しい夜でした。本日の予想最高気温は31度です。来週末は仕事なので今日は散髪に行っておいてスッキリして6月を終えたいと思います。


クーラーなしでも過ごせる北日本の夏が恋しく感じます。こちらでは休みに徒歩で近所に買い物に行くだけで一汗かき、シャワーを浴びないといけないのが億劫でついついエアコンのきいた家にこもりがちになります。冬眠ならず“ 夏眠~なつみん ”と命名しております。この夏は節電が厳し目になりそうなので設定温度は低くできません。電気代も高騰の折ですしね。若い方は良いのですが、高齢者の方は暑さに気づかないで熱中症になってしまうことが多いようです。それも家の中でとか。政府の掲げるエアコンの設定温度を忠実に守りすぎて?脱水になってしまったり体調が悪くなっては元も子もありません。ご自分の体調を鑑みた最適な温度を見つけて家の中では過ごすようにすることが求められます。無理をして救急搬送では本当に経済的にも個人のQOL的にも意味がありません。


Setting the Temperature of the Air Conditioner Don’t Work So Hard – Letter to the Elderly

Today is June 25, 2022 and it is 26 degrees at dawn in Tokyo. The forecast high for today is 31 degrees. I have to work next weekend, so I went for a haircut today and would like to end June refreshed.

Every year I think, “Summer is coming again. Summer in the city is really depressing (‘_’). It is a season that I would like to avoid as much as possible, but I can’t help it. Autumn and winter will not come without summer.

I miss the summers in northern Japan, where I can spend time without air conditioning. Here, just walking to the neighborhood to go shopping on my days off makes me sweat, and the need to take a shower is too much of a hassle, so I tend to stay in my air-conditioned house. I call it “Natsum sleep” instead of hibernation. This summer, we can’t set the temperature too low because the power-saving measures are going to be very strict. Electricity bills are also rising. Young people are fine, but the elderly often suffer heat stroke without realizing how hot it is. And they do it inside their homes. Do they follow the government’s air conditioner temperature settings too closely? If you become dehydrated or ill, it will be a loss of life. You are expected to find the optimal temperature for your own physical condition and spend time in your home. It really doesn’t make sense from both an economic and personal quality-of-life standpoint if you overdo it and end up in the emergency room.

Please help us all survive this summer by setting the air conditioner temperature according to your physical condition and family environment.

