住まい 暮らし

アンダーセンの木製窓 修理

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2023年5月2日 火曜日の朝は晴れて気持ちの良いスタートです。今朝は昨日ホームセンターで買ってきたトマトの苗二株と茄子の苗 一株を自宅の小さな家庭菜園に植えました。三株で3百円ちょっとの投資が夏にどのくらい収穫されるか楽しみです。







Andersen wood window repair

May 2, 2023 Tuesday morning is off to a nice, sunny start. This morning I planted two tomato seedlings and an eggplant seedling in my small vegetable garden that I bought at the home improvement center yesterday. I am looking forward to seeing how much the three plants, an investment of a little over 300 yen each, will yield in the summer.

Yesterday, I talked about the taxes on my house, but yesterday, when I was cleaning the windows of my house, the gasket of the window frame came off, and this morning, after the rain stopped, I glued the gasket back on using adhesive.

The cleaning of the washing machine with Oxyclean the day before yesterday was a success, and I was able to get rid of a lot of black laver scum, which was a good thing.

We inspected under the sink and found that the hose connecting the sink drain was disconnected. 14 years of dust, hair, and other debris were cleaned up by vacuuming and wiping, and this area is now sparkling clean, which is a nice feeling.

I have been a customer for many years, and I have noticed many problems in my home. I also inspected the outside of the house and found that the paint on the window frames was peeling a little, so I repaired it with spray paint.

We want to make sure that we can live comfortably for many years to come by making various modifications to the house.

We also wiped down the mailbox, the outside of the front door, and the front doorstep.
