

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに ASIAがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫57 Scroll to bottom for English translation


❝ やらなくても生きてゆけることに集中してこだわり、熟練してゆくことが現代人の生きる意味 ❞と仮定して当面は精進してゆく

2023年9月10日 日曜日の朝です。晴れて今日は31度まで上がるそうです。昨日は少し肌寒い(といっても30度近く上がりましたが)感じで洗濯物の乾きが少し秋の気配といったところでした。1日ネット三昧で新しいYouTuberに出会い結構な本数の動画を見てしまいました。その方は❝ なすびの投資口座 ❞というチャンネル名のなすびさんという方で5万人の登録者を誇る投資系の方です。実は昨日子供から資産運用を任されましていかに減らさない投資をするかで再度勉強をしていたところであったYouTuberです。

自分の資産運用ならばある程度リスクを背負っても誰にも文句を言われないはずなので思い切ったこともできますが、自分以外の資産を運用するとなると投資方針、投資結果などいろいろな角度を整えて 主にうまくいかないときに対しての責任あるコメントが求められると思います。言ってみればプロのトレーダー(ファンドマネージャー)としての行動をとらねばならないわけで、短期的なへこみは許されたとしても長期的な結果は絶対に失敗できない立場であるのが人様の資産運用だと思ってます。





・・・❝ やらなくても生きてゆけることに集中してこだわり、熟練してゆくことが現代人の生きる意味 ❞と仮定して当面は精進してゆくことを次世代にも語り、17時頃家を出て 次の目的地に出発いたしました。






❝ 麻婆飯 ❞!






念願の麻婆飯!スパイスが効いているが強すぎず主張が程よくツボでした ^^) _旦~~

食べた瞬間、「 またこの店来る!」と言ってしまう満足度でした。妻にはLINEで

イヤ〜まじでハマりました! 多分一人でまた来ると思います(笑)🐴うまいよ!



この店のネット記事に出会い読んでみると・・・納得のコンセプトで経営者の按田 優子さんのお人柄を知るとさらにファンになります。

~「按田餃子」オーナー 按田 優子さん~



ZARA HOMEにいったり蔦屋家電に行きウインドウショッピング。20時までの営業という事で小一時間あれこれ見て回りました。




Focus on what you can live without doing? (ii)

Yesterday, we talked about how we spent a whole day with our children, from searching for a company in the morning and chatting about this and that, to returning home after shopping at the mall in the afternoon. Here is the rest of the story.

I told the next generation that I would continue to devote myself to the things I could live without, assuming that “the meaning of life for modern people is to concentrate on and become skilled at the things we can live without”, and left home at around 17:00 for my next destination.

On the way to the night bus departing from Omiya at 23:00, we decided to have dinner at a gyoza (dumpling) restaurant in Futako Tamagawa.

Futakotamagawa is famous for the headquarters building of Rakuten, Inc. The headquarters building, which can be seen from the station platform, has a strong presence.

After taking a glance at Takashimaya and other stores directly connected to the station, we headed for our destination, Anoda Gyoza. It was raining lightly, and the restaurant was located on Yanagikoji Street, about 5 minutes from the station.

When you enter the restaurant, there is a freezer in front of the restaurant, and countless frozen gyoza dumplings are on display.

When you take a seat and look at the menu, there is a phrase that interests me…

“Mapo rice”!

The kids had been to the Yoyogi Uehara location when they were here in March, and they explain what they ordered then. He describes what he ordered at that time, such as the Lagee Stewed Set Meal, and the image of the dumplings.

He said he didn’t have the mapo rice at that time, and the child wanted to have mapo rice as well. I had recently been thinking about eating bean curd tofu at a Chinese restaurant and was thinking of having it soon, so I ordered it without hesitation.

Of course, I also ordered two of the signature dumplings.

I had longed for this mapo rice! The spice was effective, but not too strong, and the assertion was just right.

The moment I ate it, I was so satisfied that I said “I will come here again! I was so satisfied that I said “I’ll come back here again! I sent a line to my wife

No~I was seriously hooked! I’ll probably come back again alone…lol…yum!

He declared!

I will try my best to come to this restaurant as a little encouragement.

I came across an article about this restaurant on the internet and read it………………………………….the concept makes sense and the personality of the owner, Yuko Anoda, makes me an even bigger fan.

After a satisfying dinner, I went back to Futago Bura.

I went to ZARA HOME and Tsutaya Home Appliances for some window shopping, and since they were open until 8:00 p.m., I spent an hour looking around.

Before 8:00 p.m., I left my child and headed home.

After that, the child arrived at Omiya and spent some time drinking charcoal lemonade at Pronto.

We will spend our days together again in different places.
