

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに BadFingerがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫♪91 Scroll to bottom for English translation

2023年3月5日 日曜日の朝は曇りで夕方から雨の予報。予想最高気温は11度で少し肌寒い様子です。


買い物のついでにポータブルスピーカーをいろいろ視聴してきました。今使っているものはSONY製の5年ほど前に買った6千円前後のもので休日は大活躍の一品なのですが、更なる視聴環境のグレードアップを目論見 ネットなどでも情報をここ数年?集めているところです。今日はヤマダ電機で更なる情報収集を続けたいと思います。JBLが気になるところです。最近の小型スピーカは結構重低音重視ですが、マンションなどではあまりブーストさせることはできません。近所迷惑ですので。。中高音をしっかり再現してできたらアプリなどでイコライジングできるものが理想です。



Another fracture of the spine – hospitalized.

March 5, 2023 Sunday morning is forecast to be cloudy with rain in the evening. The forecast high temperature is 11 degrees Celsius, and it looks a little chilly.

Yesterday, I went to K’s Denki to purchase a 2.2 liter glass thermos (made in Japan) using two discount coupons. It was the same as the one we have at home and cost around 4,000 yen. The pot we have been using until now only holds a little over 1L, so if we boil too much water, we have to put it in another water bottle, which is a little inconvenient, but the one we bought this time holds 2.2L, which is plenty. Although stainless steel water bottles are the mainstream these days, glass water bottles are the best choice when considering health and other factors.

While I was shopping, I went to see a variety of portable speakers. The one I am using now is a SONY-made one that I bought about 5 years ago for around 6,000 yen, and it is a very useful product on holidays. I have been collecting information on the Internet for the past few years with a view to further upgrading my viewing environment. Today, I would like to continue to gather more information at Yamada Denki. I am interested in JBL, but I know that the latest small loudspeakers are quite bass oriented, but I can’t boost them too much in my apartment because it would disturb my neighbors. It would be a nuisance to neighbors. Ideally, I would like to have a speaker that can reproduce mid and high frequencies well and can be equalized with an application.

Speaking of music, I have recently been recording TV programs on my hard disk drive, and I have found that there are a number of music programs that I can watch for free, such as Western rock music that I like, if I search for them. I’ll be able to get about 5 or 6 shows this week, so I’m looking forward to the weekend.

Last week my mother-in-law broke her spine for the third (or maybe fourth?) time. She was hospitalized again after breaking her spine for the third (or fourth?) time. She has an underlying diabetic disease, so it is inevitable that her bones are fragile, but I am sure it must be very painful for her if she continues to have fractures like this. There are good bone medicines available now, but at this stage, it may be difficult to maintain bone mass. If he continues to be immobile due to hospitalization, the load on his muscles and bones will decrease further, and the other bones will weaken as the dominoes fall. Please pray that he will be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

