===今日のバックグラウンドMUSICは、Rush “ Working Man ”がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Sony HDD Audio Player System HAP-S1===
本日は2022年3月6日 日曜日 都内は晴れで予想最高気温は13度と昨日より6度低くなるようです。北日本は風速が20m近くあり荒れ模様の様子。
昨日は、散髪してスッキリしました。最近は2カ月おきに調髪し比較的 “ こぎれい ” を保ってるつもりです。散髪後、足を延ばしてビックカメラなどを見て回っていたのですが、駅前のパソコン館にプラスしてMacメインの棟も別にできていたりして ちょっと行かないと駅前の繁華街は回転しているようですね。飲食店も入れ替わりがあるようですし。
わたくしごとですがPCやそのガジェットを見るのが好きなんだなと。。すでにたくさん持っているのですが、キーボードやマウス、ケーブル関係などの展示製品を見ては“ これもいいかな?でもまだ買い替えるのはどうかな? ”などと自問自答を繰り返し、今使っているものでも十分満足しているのだけれど “ なにかもっといいものないかな? ”と思いを巡らすのが習慣になっているようです。
物にあふれて、満たされている現代社会ですが その中で「 消費行動 」を見つけるには なくても良いのだけれど(生きていくことに大きな影響はないのだけれど・・)あるとちょっと便利でいくらか気持ちが上がるもの。そんな物が売れていく時代なのかもしれません。
例えば、ガラケーでもなんとか電話をかける用事は済ませられますが、しっかりしたスピーカーフォン+よりよい音質、プラス相手の顔を見ながら通話する、Bluetooth接続して車でハンズフリーとなるとスマホに軍配が上がりますよね。さらには そのスマホを選択するにしても普通のものから音質やカメラにこだわったハイスペック品までと選択肢の多様性にもレンジが大きく広がっている時代です。
1960年代の半ばになると今度は 新三種の神機“ 3C ”と呼ばれるものが登場します。クーラー、カラーテレビ、自動車のことです。1964年に東京オリンピックがあった背景からカラーテレビが急速に普及したようです。TOKYO2020の前の話ですね。さすがに2020年と時代が進むと普及が進んだのはカラーテレビなはずもなく、4K、8Kの大型かつ薄型のテレビに様変わりしましたね。わたくしの自宅にもBRAVIA43インチの4Kテレビがあるのですが、都内のマンションは小型の液晶テレビにしております。部屋の大きさの問題もありますが、大型液晶画面も良いのだけれど小型を近くで見るのも良いなと。。各メーカー大型テレビに注力しているようですが(儲けの問題?技術の集中による効率化?)個人的にはもっともっと小型高精細のテレビに注力をしてほしいです。小型の利点は、置き場所がフレキシブル、持ち運びやすい利点が大きいです。家具としてのテレビも良いのですがポータブル機(15インチぐらい)としての高精細テレビも開発を進めてほしいかと。小さすぎてもまた問題があり、スマホサイズだと目が疲れるので。。
“ 小型高精細のテレビ ” これが わたくしの「 消費行動 」のモチベーション。 なくても良いのだけれど(生きていくことに大きな影響はないのだけれど・・)あるとちょっと便利でいくらか気持ちが上がるもの。それが・・・ “ 小型高精細のテレビ ”
It is not necessary to have it, but it is a little convenient and makes me feel a little better.
===Today’s background MUSIC is written with Rush “Working Man” playing by Sony HDD Audio Player System HAP-S1====
Today is Sunday, March 6, 2022, sunny in Tokyo, with an expected high temperature of 13 degrees Celsius. The temperature is expected to be 6 degrees lower than yesterday. Northern Japan is looking stormy with wind speeds near 20 mph.
I had a haircut yesterday and felt refreshed. I have been getting a haircut every two months to keep my hair relatively “clean”. After the haircut, I went to Bic Camera and looked around. In addition to the PC building in front of the station, there is now a separate main building for Macs. It seems that the downtown area in front of the station is also changing.
Speaking for myself, I like looking at PCs and their gadgets. I already have a lot of PCs, but when I look at the keyboards, mice, cables, and other products on display, I wonder, “Is this one good too? But I’m not sure I’m ready to replace it just yet. I am happy enough with what I am using now, but I wonder if there is something better. “It seems to be a habit to ponder the question.
In today’s society, which is filled to overflowing with things, it is necessary to find “consumption behavior” in the midst of such a situation. Such things may be the key to success in this age of consumerism.
For example, you can make a phone call with a mobile phone, but if you need a solid speakerphone with better sound quality, a Bluetooth connection for hands-free communication in the car, and the ability to see the other person’s face while talking, then a smartphone is the way to go. In addition, the range of choices for smartphones has expanded from ordinary ones to high-spec products that focus on sound quality and cameras.
The three sacred appliances of electrical appliances in the past, such as washing machines, refrigerators, and televisions. Nowadays, we are trying our best to get them! In the late 1950s, watching live professional wrestling on TV at home was a dream come true! In those days, TV penetration was low, and wrestling matches were generally viewed by visiting neighbors who had TV sets. That may have been a good thing because it was quaint in its own way. However, in today’s apartment living, with one TV set per person, it seems to be a completely different culture. In urban apartments, you never know who lives next door or on the floor above or below you. In rural areas, when you move in, do you greet at least both neighbors? What makes urban neighbors tick is the noise from the balcony, cigarette smoke, and the noise from both the upper and lower floors. This is the only information I have. (Mostly unpleasant information, too…).
In the mid-1960s, the new “3C’s” appeared, this time in the form of the new “three gods. These were coolers, color TVs, and automobiles. color TVs seemed to spread rapidly against the backdrop of the Tokyo Olympics in 1964. tokyo2 That was before 020. As expected, as the year 2020 and the era progresses, it cannot be color TVs that have become popular, but rather 4K and 8K TVs. The TVs have changed to large, flat-screen TVs. I have a 43-inch BRAVIA 4 We have a K TV, but we have a small LCD TV in our apartment in Tokyo. The size of the room is a problem, but I think that while a large LCD screen is nice, it is also nice to see a small one up close. It seems that all manufacturers are focusing on large-size TVs (is it a matter of profit?). (Efficiency through concentration of technology?) Personally, I would like to see more focus on smaller, high-definition TVs. The advantage of small size is that it is flexible in placement and easy to carry around. Televisions as furniture are good, but I would also like to see the development of high-definition televisions that are portable (around 15 inches). If it is too small, it is also problematic, and if it is the size of a smartphone, it will tire the eyes.
Small, high-definition televisions are my motivation for consumption. I don’t need it (it doesn’t have a big impact on my life), but it is convenient and makes me feel a little better. That is… a small, high-definition TV.