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2022年2月26日 日曜日の朝は1度と寒く予想最高気温は11度。洗濯機を回しておりますが乾くかどうか微妙な天気です。火曜日水曜日は20度近くの気温が予想されているので桜の開花を意識し始める季節に移ろいでるようですね。
~PRESIDENT Oline 2023/02/22 より引用
お酒を飲まなくなってしばらく経つのですが、酒は百薬の長とか 少量なら体に良いとか、良い理由?を言葉にして言い訳をしながら飲酒をやめられなかったように感じます。おそらく今、飲酒を毎日のように楽しまれている方も「 体に悪いけど、やめられないから飲み続けてるんです。」などと言ってアルコールを摂取し続けている人はあまりいないことでしょう。やめられないなら楽しんで よい言葉を見つけて口にしながら飲酒をエンジョイするのが正統派と思われます。もちろん、わたくし自身も上記のような言葉を時々思い浮かべながら止められない飲酒習慣を数十年に渡り継続してまいりました。
極端な悪い結果が出る前にお酒を卒業出来て本当に良かったと思います。何度か当ブログでも記述を残しておりますが、テレビコマーシャルからお酒の宣伝が消える日も遠くないと思っております。昭和の時代では たばこの宣伝がゴールデンタイムでも普通に流れてましたよね。これと同じ状態なのが現在のビール系飲料のテレビコマーシャルだと思います。飲まなくなって気づいたのですが、ビール系飲料のテレビコマーシャルがとてもとても多いと思います。お酒を飲んでいるときは気にならなかったのですが、ビール系飲料のテレビコマーシャルがあまりに多すぎる!こんな状態はいずれ終わりを告げると自信をもって宣言できます。
TV commercials for alcoholic beverages will end in 2025~Today’s polemic
February 26, 2022 Sunday morning is a cold 1 degree with an expected high of 11 degrees. I’m running the washing machine, but it’s not sure if it will dry or not. Tuesday and Wednesday are expected to be close to 20 degrees Celsius, so it seems that we are moving into the season when we start to notice the cherry blossoms blooming.
I reported on fresh Chinese pickles in this blog last week. I enjoyed them stir-fried or in salads, and then pickled them… but they are a bit spicy ((+_+)). I made some pickled Chinese pickles, but they were a bit spicy (+_+). I just remade most of the rest by adding it to miso soup. The spiciness became much milder (but still a little spicy) and I think I can manage to finish it (lol). It was my first time eating raw Chinese pickles, so it was a good experience.
TV commercials for alcohol will end in 2025.
It has been a while since I stopped drinking alcohol, but I feel as if I could not stop drinking while making excuses with words like “alcohol is the best of all medicines” or “a small amount is good for you” or some other good reason? I feel that I have not been able to stop drinking, making excuses with words like “alcohol is good for you” or “a small amount of alcohol is good for you. Perhaps those who enjoy drinking every day now also say things like, “It’s bad for my health, but I can’t stop drinking, so I keep drinking.” I am sure that there are not many people who continue to drink alcohol, saying things like, “It’s bad for my health, but I can’t stop, so I just keep on drinking. The orthodox view is that if you can’t stop drinking, you should enjoy drinking while finding and saying good words. Of course, I myself have continued my unstoppable drinking habit for several decades, sometimes thinking of the above words.
However, in a corner of my mind, I have always felt, “There is no way that drinking so much is good for my health, and one day I will have to stop. I had a feeling that one day I would have to stop drinking. I drank a bottle of wine and a can of beer every day, plus a can of shochu in the summer, for at least several years before I stopped drinking, except for the day before my medical checkup.
Fortunately or unfortunately, my liver function tests were within the normal range and never showed abnormal values as far as I can remember. It is really strange. I had been taking such a large amount continuously.
In my 20s and 30s, I was reckless, and hangovers and hangovers were a regular monthly event.
I am very glad that I was able to graduate from drinking before extreme bad results. As I have mentioned several times in this blog, I believe that the day is not far off when alcohol advertising will disappear from TV commercials. In the Showa era, tobacco advertisements were a common sight even during prime time. I think the current TV commercials for beer beverages are in the same situation. I have noticed that there are very, very many TV commercials for beer beverages now that I no longer drink. When I was drinking it didn’t bother me, but there are far, far too many beer-based beverage TV commercials! I can confidently declare that this situation will eventually come to an end.
Although the movement is still slow, we are beginning to see experts who have begun to take notice of the harms of alcohol in books and on YouTube.
TV Commercials for Alcohol Will End in 2025
Although 2025 is wishful thinking, we believe that TV commercials for alcoholic beverages will close in the 2020s at the latest.
I would like to describe what has changed since I stopped drinking alcohol.
1) I can drink non-alcoholic beer. ~(2) I can drink non-alcoholic beer, which I did not enjoy when I was drinking alcohol. I don’t willingly drink it, but when I try it, I can drink it without any problem. However, I can’t drink anything with alcohol in it. It seems that alcohol itself has become an aversive substance. My constitution has changed. It is a proof that you are not trying not to drink by putting up with it.
(2) You have begun to eat sweets more often. ~I love chocolate and other sweets, and I take honey in my yogurt every day. The fact that amazake (without alcohol, of course) is rich in nutrients as a drinkable infusion has also pushed me to drink it more often. I also seem to be eating more fruits. Dried fruits have become a habit that I always eat every weekday.
I had a medical checkup at the beginning of this month, and I am looking forward to the results.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***