♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに The Babysがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫♪82
2023年2月5日 日曜日の朝は氷点下2度ですが予想最高気温は11度で晴れるため洗濯物には嬉しい休日です。昨日はウインドウショッピングで たまプラーザ駅周辺に行ってきたのですがなかなか活気がありにぎわっておりました。天候が良く出店も出て若者だけでなくシニアもみかけいろいろな年代層の方が買い物を楽しんでいる感じがしてよかったです。
妻のオペ明けの初日はバルンも抜けて、トイレ歩行もできるようになったとの報告がありホッとした感じです。ただ、その晩は長い夜だったそうで寝返りもままならないとの事。まだ確認は取れてないのですが開腹ではなく腹腔鏡のはずなのですが、オペ前に医師から みぞおちあたりの痛みが残るといわれていたので多分それだと思います。月曜日には退院予定なので子供とうまく合流できるよう祈ります。
昨日はYouTubeをいくつか見たのですがだいぶ前に著書を読んだことのある日本を代表する実業家 竹田和平さんの関連動画を視聴しました。中でも竹田和平氏から後継者としての打診を受け、和平哲学の素晴らしさに感銘を受け、気が付いたら500泊寝食をともにし、多くの帝王学を学んだとされる本田晃一氏のものを何本か見ました。チャンネル登録し今後もウオッチしてゆきます。本田晃一氏の著書も以前読んだことがあり感銘を受けたことを思い出しました。
極端なことを言うのが結構好きなので(笑)シリーズでこれから❝ 今日の極論 ❞と題して時々執筆させていただきます。
正月に自宅で家族とテレビを見る機会が多かったのですがそこでの気づきです。以前にも当ブログに執筆いたしましたが、正月特番のバラエティ番組の面白さに魅了され結構な時間をバラエティ番組で費やしました。❝ さんたく ❞とか本当に面白い番組だと思いました。
バラエティ番組は自分でも違和感なくというか、時間を忘れて笑わせてもらったのは良いのですが、家族がドラマ番組を見ており それに少し付き合ってみてみたのですがそこで違和感を覚えました。
そのドラマは、女性が会社の上司に脅迫されるように付きまとわれるというストーリでした。いわゆる❝ ハラハラドキドキ ❞っていうやつです。その時感じたのは・・・
このドラマを見たい人はこの逆で❝ ハラハラドキドキ ❞があって面白かった、次のストーリーもハラハラドキドキさせてくれるのかな?
ではなぜ わたくしがそのように思ったのかを分析してみると、主に日々の仕事などで十分すぎるくらい?その❝ ハラハラドキドキ ❞的なストレスを浴びているので自分の許容する❝ ハラハラドキドキ ❞タンク?が満たされている(もしかしたら時々あふれかえっている?)のでわざわざ休日に映画やドラマを見てまでその❝ ハラハラドキドキ ❞タンクにその燃料を満たす必要がないのでは。。
というのが自己分析結果であります。この❝ ハラハラドキドキ ❞タンクが満たされている人がそれ以上にあふれかえるほど❝ ハラハラドキドキ ❞を注がれると ものすごいストレスになるのです。今回ドラマを見て❝ ハラハラドキドキ ❞に嫌悪感すら感じましたので。(個人的な感覚ですが)
別に主婦や学生が全員そうではありませんが、彼ら彼女らは日々の生活で❝ ハラハラドキドキ ❞タンクが満タンになるほどにはならない為、それを映画やドラマを見ることで満たそうと?もしくはタンクに余裕があるので見ることができる状態なのかと。
映画やドラマだけでなく近年は小説など創作系の読み物も一切受け付けないのですが(笑)これも同じような理由と腑に落ちました。わたくしは現実の仕事や日常生活で❝ ハラハラドキドキ ❞タンクが満たされている人に分類されるようです。
“People who have a “thrill and excitement” tank that is filled.~Today’s polemic
February 5, 2023 Sunday morning is 2 degrees below zero, but the forecast high is 11 degrees and sunny, so it’s a nice day off for laundry. Yesterday I went window shopping around Tama Plaza Station, which was quite lively and bustling. The weather was nice and there were many stalls, and I saw not only young people but also seniors, so it was nice to see people of all ages enjoying shopping.
On the first day after my wife’s surgery, I was relieved to hear that she was able to walk on the toilet again after the valne was gone. However, she said she had a long night that night and was unable to turn over. I haven’t gotten confirmation yet, but I believe the laparoscopy was supposed to be done, not an open surgery, but the doctor said before the surgery that there would be residual pain in the area around the belly button, so I think that’s probably it. I am scheduled to be discharged from the hospital on Monday, so I pray that I will be able to join my child.
Yesterday, I watched some YouTube videos related to Mr. Wahei Takeda, a leading Japanese businessman whose book I had read a long time ago. Among them, I watched several videos of Koichi Honda, who is said to have been approached by Mr. Wahei Takeda as his successor, was so impressed by the excellence of the Wahei philosophy that he found himself living and sleeping with him for 500 nights and learning a lot about imperialism. I have subscribed to his channel and will continue to watch. I also remembered that I had read one of Mr. Koichi Honda’s books and was very impressed.
I am sorry for the lengthy preamble, but here is today’s topic.
Busy workers don’t need movies and dramas.
Since I quite like to say extreme things (lol), I will occasionally write a series of articles titled “Today’s polemic” from now on.
I had a lot of opportunities to watch TV with my family during the New Year’s holidays, and this is what I noticed. As I have written on this blog before, I was fascinated by the variety of interesting New Year’s specials and spent quite a lot of time watching variety shows. I thought “Santaku” and other such programs were really interesting.
I was comfortable with the variety shows, or rather, they made me laugh and forget about the time, but my family was watching a drama show, and I tried to go along with it for a bit, and that’s when I felt uncomfortable.
The drama was about a woman who was being followed by her boss in a threatening manner. It’s what I call a “thrill ride”. At that time I felt…
People who want to watch this drama are the opposite of this, it was interesting because of the ” harakudoki”, will the next story also keep me on the edge of my seat?
I guess they think so. Otherwise, it might be that they don’t find it interesting and won’t continue to watch the drama.
it’s more abnormal. I know it’s crazy to think [/chat]I don’t want to be nervous about this!
I know it’s crazy to think that I don’t want to be nervous about this! I am exposed to that “thrill of excitement” stress, so my allowable “thrill of excitement” tank is filled (maybe even sometimes). I have a “thrill tank” that is filled (maybe even overflowing at times?). So I don’t need to go to the trouble of watching movies and dramas on my days off to fill that “thrill” tank.
This is the result of my self-analysis. If the “thrill of excitement” tank is filled, it becomes extremely stressful when the tank is overflowing with more “thrill of excitement. I even felt disgusted by the “thrill of excitement” after watching the drama this time. (This is just my personal feeling.)
Not all housewives and students are like that, but they don’t have enough in their daily lives to fill up their “thrill of excitement” tank, so they try to fill it by watching movies and dramas? Or maybe they are in a state where they can watch them because they have enough room in their tanks.
I don’t accept not only movies and dramas but also novels and other creative reading material in recent years (lol), and it became clear to me that this is for the same reason. It seems that I am classified as someone whose “thrill and excitement” tank is filled with real work and daily life.
Busy Workers Don’t Need Movies or Drama.
I’m starting an irregular series of Today’s Polemics.
Today I’ll be preparing food for the weekdays.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***